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Nuruljannah, Kamaludin is my father (:

23rd December is my day and im turning 16 this year.

Single n loving it :D

You can call me jannah, jay, jann or whatever you like but please do not spell my name wrongly. its w a 'H' at th back. thanks!

Love making malay poems during my free times.

Eating makes me happy, so any of you who wants to cheer me up, please bring along oreo mcflurry and potatochips, hee. Cause words just simply wont work, huhu.

Family and friends are my Everything ♥
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Friday, November 20, 2009

bz working bt i miss all
my kawan ! i miss tika kaseh yayah
lina ifah sheikh acap shaf man
2haikal yuda yan bella
wani n rachel..
kalau nama anda tdak disiarkan,
maaf ya saya lupa..
haha.. byee!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

suka dan cinta adalah
dua perkara yng jauh berbeza
meskipun dua perasaan yng hampir
serupa tetapi tetap memberi maksud
yng tdak sama..

pada sesiapa yang pernah dikecewakan
cinta, usahlah berputus asa.. sebaliknya,
terus mencari dan menanti sehingga
hadirnya cinta yng baru.. penantian
munkin sesuatu yng menyeksakan
namun ianya berbaloi seandainya kita
perolehi cinta yng diinginkan..

true love is worth waitting even if takes
a lifetime, babyy.. hee..

n lastly,
love is just like life..
its not always easy n it
does not always brings happiness..
bt when we do nt stop living, why shud
we stop loving?..


on th 14th, agaain plan cock up..
supposed to meet someone bt he
has something on..booo..
so nadh n i planned to watch movie
at century square, sorority row..
ive watched it b4 bt nadh insists of
watching it so i watch it again...!
th movie was two thumbs up man!
invited haikal dan along tapi
dia aksyenn taknk ikut..
hehe.. bt b4 tht, breakfast at food culture..
th food was real expensive smpai bankrupt
kte.. hehe..
n btw yaaaay! mayb i gt a job at watson
bt whch outlet it is, has not cnfrm..
thnks to my sis for th recommendation..
look forward to class outing on november.
eh korang, bila nak plan?..
anythng signal aku.. teehee..
k babai!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Yeah!!!N-level finally going to an end soon..
Left DNT paper which is on this coming monday..
After that,HOLIDAY for me...Plan with some of my friends to work at Watson..
Hopefully we get the job..
Sorry for not wishing u earlier on,it just slipped my mind..

Ps:kalau kau dah ada motor jgn lupa aku kay?.hehehee..

As today was not a school day for me,so nadh & i plan to go to the town areas to just explore things out thre..
We went to places that we have not even heard bfore..
Great sightseeing,beautiful people but it was a tiring journey..
We laughed,make jokes,laughed again but soon we got tired and famished..
So we came up with a brilliant plan and tht is to cook instant curry noodles at nadh' s place..
I was the chef and nadh was the helper..hahaha..
And my cooking turns out to be soo delicious tht nadh ate twice when i cnt even fill in anymore..
Nadh's stomach was like a pregnant women..muahahaha..
We ate while watching the movie called SHUTTER..
Several times we shouted bcos the sound effect felt so real..hahaha.
Cant imagine what happen when we are seeing a horror movie in the cinema..haha,cnfirm kena halau!.
Btw next week,plan to go watch movie with nadh,rasul and fitri..
Hope everything will be going as planned..
Okey laa..thts all for today..babai take care!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

todays plan was to go study
w nadh rachel kaseh tikah yan
n yayah bt only nadhirah n rachel
turn up ON TIME so we just continue
while waiting for th rest..
bt soon we get so fed up until we hv no mood
to stdy n go home..
bt i had a great time w nadh exploring th
airport n taking th skytrain to go to various
terminals.. we met diff kind of people..
flirting ,crazy kpo n handsome angmohs..
had a great time too talking n gossiping
w rachel n tht gerl, wear like she is going to
the market.. haha.. tshirts n hotpants.. hehe..
sorry rachel, ily!
today, all plan cock up..
suppose to meet fitri also at tamp bt he took such
a long time so we just go home bt along the way met
w muhd arif.. he is so cute w his botak hairstyle..
hahaa.. k la .. tired rm th long journey..
need a rest.. byeeeee.. muah

Sunday, September 13, 2009

heeey peepools!
so long never hear uh!
haaa, um btw i gt a few 'poems'
done by maman, shaf n acap..
k so sit back, relax n enjoy reading!

maman's creation

terlalu lama kau terdiam
hitam dan putih kenangan silam
diriku tiada yg mahu (sedar pn hehe)
tolong carikan kekasih hatiku
siapa yg mahu berhembus angin rindu
inilah cerita hidupku
sape sape yg tdak sudi menerima diriku,
tolong beritahu..

kerana dirimu sungguh berharga padaku..

part two: english version

i can see a very big tree
i can see a very stupid bee
who likes to pee on -----
and the name of the bee is ------

part three:pg material

i play hide n seek w my father n brother
i heard someone shouting so i fuck my mother
she cried n cried ,my father just died.
my brother still seek ashe is a freak..

wonderful ryttte!

shaf creation: roses is blue

rosses are red
violet are blue
i have a pen
my pen is blue
i have no friend
thts y i wan u!
u know soulja boy?
he said 'yooooouuuu!'

asyraf's creation: my hair is yellow

my hair is yellow
n i like to eat marshmellow
im a dirty fellow
bt never say hello
n its ok, im still belo!
thats ol 'ho!'

hahah, cn u believe it , they actually
wrote it on my poems book !
hehe bt its ok..
it still entertaining..
haha daaaaaa!